Sword Art Online

I have recently finished watching Sword Art Online and it was AWESOME! The story line and action was beautiful, included with a heat of romance. The graphics were also well done which contributed a lot to the action scenes. The characters were very well thought of, as well.


The anime is mainly set inside the world of gaming- a virtual world that is accessible through a console called the “Nerve Gear”. The Nerve Gear enables you to enter the virtual game world as if you were there right there and then. As you can imagine, the concept is pretty awesome.  The virtual world that the main character, Kirito, enters is called Sword Art online, a VRMMORPG (virtual reality massively multiplayer online role playing game). The goal of the game is to complete all 100 floors by defeating the “boss” of each floor.

With the expectation of entering a whole new, unique world, many gamers bought the game, however only to find themselves trapped in the game by the maker of SAO. Their only way out is by completing all floors, however, death, in both the game and reality, can be obtained by either dying in the game or if someone from the real world took off their Nerve Gear.


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ALFheim Online

On the other hand, the excitement only really begins later in the anime as Kirito clears the game for himself, and for the other surviving gamers except for his partner, Asuna, who he fell in love with and married in the game. As he returns to the real world, Asuna remains in a hospital bed, still with the nerve gear. His new aim is then to log Asuna out of the virtual world and he does this as he discovers a new game where Asuna is transferred called ALFheim online. Asuna resides on the top of the “World Tree” in the game, prisoned by the game’s controller, Sugou Nobuyoki, who arranged a marriage with Asuna. ALFheim is a game where you are a fairy- it has 10 different races. The World Tree is in the middle of the world and is the tallest matter there is in that world, going beyond the range of the fairies’ flight. Kirito then ventures into the game, aiming to set Asuna free.



Kirito (Kairigaya Kazuto)

Kirito is an AWESOME character- he is very strong in the game and also very kind. He is very affectionate to his comrades in the game as he experiences many occurrences of death, especially within the parties/groups that he joins. He eventually goes alone due tot his thought.

Asuna (Yuukim Asuna)

Asuna is a beautiful girl who is one also one of the strongest players in the game, SAO. She has both tough and sweet personalities  and sometimes, she can display a hint of a tsundere personality. She is also an amazing cook.

Leafa (Kirigaya Suguha)

Leafa doesn’t appear until later in the anime 9around episode 15). She doesn’t appear in the game of SAO but she appears in ALFheim.  It’s then found out that she is played by Kirigaya Suguha, who is Kirito’s cousin. Likewise, she is also strong and tough though kind and caring at the same time.


In my opinion, I think that the anime is very good, including its plot however i think it would be even better if there was a twist to it. Furthermore, I think that the romance between Kirito and Asuna is a little rushed- the anime would have more to it if their relationship developed slowly, although the story is already good- I just thought that it would be better that way.

On the other hand, the action scenes are a phenomenon! The idea of a VRMMORPG is fantastic in  itself. It  is one of the main things that make the anime amazing.

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